Monday, December 17, 2012

Workout for better sex

You always know that workout is good for sex no matter in terms of your stamina or the way you look. The sexy abs of yours can always surprise them and make the girls fall for you. Well I came across an article that day that designed to improve your sex life by workout, it target the muscle group that you will use during sex.  Workout is good for your health and you know that, if it can't motivate you then hope that you have the sexual desire for a better looking sexy body. Even having better sex can't motivate you to workout then guys I really don't know how to help you.

How do you start that, there are a lot of websites online that show you how to exercise to gain a healthier body. Gain the knowledge first before you start, else you are going no where and may exercise for few months without any result. Learn from these website and start to workout and combine with a diet plan, you will see the result even in 1 month.

My experience, start small doing something that is easy and you feel comfortable, if doing what you like then much better. For example, you like to swim or jog then do these kind of exercise may help you to keep up with it. Make the exercise fun by getting a MP3, your jog won't be boring anymore. I like to jog around my area as there are many girls run these as well, they will just help me to reduce the pain during my workout. A very good motivation for me. If you like ball games like basketball, it will help you to burn your calories and gain muscle without you knowing it, and not much pain as well. After 2 or 3 months you may see the result and it will motivate you to go on to workout again. If you like the gym then mix it with gym you can see the sexy body in a very short time. And in no time you will have better sex life.

The workout here for better sex is focus in strength training, not so much of cardio, you know what to do for cardio.

The step by step instruction for better sex instruction is

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Weight loss target

When you plan to start to loss weight, the first thing is not buying a pair of jogging shoes, jogging vest, portable mp3 and so on. The first thing you need to do is to learn about how to loss your weight. If you don't have the knowledge to loss weight then you will waste a lot of time running in circle and getting no where. Learn more about the knowledge, know actually how your body work only you will be able to loss the fat.

There are a lot of knowledge and information that you can get easily by just searching online. The weight loss process is a long term progress, you have to give yourself lots of motivation to finish it. You can have a very clear target, the ultimate target and also a lot of small target along the way. Like losing 1kg in a month is your short term target, have a small celebration to give yourself a break and go on to the second phase.

The most important part in every thing we do is to learn first before we even start to do it. Research online, learn first before you do can improve the success rate a lot. For example do you know that sprinting for 15 mins can burn more than jogging for half an hour? If you know this you won't waste those time on treadmill. I see a lot of people in my gym, they don't do anything other than running on the treadmill, if what you want is to jog then fine. If your target is to have a killer body then you won't get it by just running. Research or learn from a friend or even hire a trainer to save your time. Time is your most important resources.

Some of my friend told me that they have problem doing that as they can't motivate themselves to do it. What you can do here is engage in a class or boot camp is a good choice if you need someone to push you. The most important thing is that you can reach the target.