Since the dawn of civilization the culminating point of a
love relationship between two lovers was described as making physical love, or
in a raw language 'having sex.' Ancient and modern literature from most of the
cultures has taken the concept of lovemaking to the level of ecstasy and art.
Psychologists found out through analysis that sex plays most important role in
a love relationship, within lovers as well as between husband and wife. State
laws have allowed divorce on the basis of inability to perform sex in either of
the married couple. Sexuality is an essential component of life, and the impact
is undeniable, both mentally and physically. To both sexes, male and female,
sexual prowess and sexual ability to have sex is associated with their inner
ego. But what results when your ego is hurt at the bottom?
Erectile dysfunction is something that hits a man below the
belt and leaves the man hopeless and extremely frustrated. The consequences of
ED do not wait for my explanations; I know you can very well understand. May be
some of you, who are reading my article, have actually gone through this phase
of life, or presently going through. Until recently, erectile dysfunction was a
hush-hush matter and men were ashamed of discussing their penile weakness even
to their doctor. Avoiding sex night after night giving meaningless excuses, on
the other hand, leads to making the wives doubtful of their husbands' fooling
around. Men were leading life as if there were no solution to it; this
conclusion was drawn after going through all the "operation
impossible" s. I know it is a long story of pain and suffering. Hold it
before you lose the last hope, there is a spark of light at the end of the
You have heard about it but never tried it, am I right? Are
you expecting any kind of assurance from a trusted source that you will not be
blind after taking Viagra pill? Let me tell you that it’s not Viagra that
caused the blindness but it was the reaction and the outcome of taking Viagra
without prescription and not abiding by the restrictions given on the label.
Again, Sildenafil, the main ingredient of Viagra, not only gives you stronger erection per pill, it actually treats Priapism, a disease related to painful
erection for more than 6 hours without stimulate sexual desire. At the
same time, Viagra can slowly correct mechanism of the blood flow to the penis.
If you were reluctant on the issue of discussing your ED with your wife, just
go and see your physician and talk to him about your physical condition, ask
him if you can take Viagra and get back to normal sexual life.
I do not consider the idea of living with ED as a good one.
Since the introduction of Viagra, things have changed so fast that people are
no longer referring to male erection problem as impotence, but a new term has
popped up for it, 'erectile dysfunction' that is more scientific and less
ego-hurting. Impotent is no longer a male characteristic or image, rather a
name of a disease that is treatable. The impossible was made possible only by
Viagra, the pioneer sex pill to cure my erectile dysfunction. Why not try it and
enjoy even better sexual life?