Monday, June 30, 2014

Effective Penis Enlargement Method

Those who are dissatisfied with the size of their penis are often wondering if it is possible to increase the size of the penis. With so many fake penis enlargement products on the market one might think that this is impossible. However, there are few methods that are actually working. These methods were tested and confirmed by experts in this field. According to many of these experts although some pills and exercises can provide effects, the best way to increase the size of the penis is with surgery and stretching devices. However, a sexual machine is not only about stronger erection, it's about a hard erection as well.

Surgeries are probably the most effective, safest and fastest way for penis enlargement. These medical interventions are usually performed in specialized private clinics by doctors who already have experience in this field. However, those who are interested in a surgery should be prepared to spend a large amount of money. The cost of the surgery is very high and that’s not the only disadvantage. Patients should be prepared for possible complications such as infections, bleeding or even penile deformities. There are few types of surgery process used for penis enlargement. 

The most popular among them is by incision of the suspensory ligament, which leads to increased size of the penis in a flaccid state. The ligament is there to provide the penis proper position during hard erection (standing still and upward and one of the side effects of this procedure can result in changed penis position during erection (it will be positioned more downward). Another surgery type that is also very popular is a surgery that provides increased volume of the penis by injecting your own fat (or tissue to be more precise) located under the skin of your penis. Of course just like the previous surgery method, this one cannot guarantee successful results and similar side effects and complications can occur.

People have been obsessed with penis enlargement since ancient times. Many of them have used a variety of tools and devices in order to stretch or decrease the penile tissue. But in most cases these methods left long lasting effects on the male genitalia, which was usually accompanied with erectile dysfunctions. Besides that, in many cases the skin of the penis was so damaged that very often they were suffering from infections. Today, with the advance of technology and medicine, there are similar devices but they are now completely safe and do not leave any consequences for those who use them. 

According to some stats these devices ensure efficiency in almost 100% of the cases. These devices start working once they are properly placed on the penis. The only thing the user has to do is wear the device for several hours every day. The organ is stretched to its maximum which affects the stretching of the tissue and consequently results in a larger penis. The good thing about these devices is that they are not visible under the pants and the first results can be expected in few months. According to many people that have used these devices, after 4 months of daily use they were able to extend their organs for 0,8 inches.

Whatever method you choose, you must first talk with your doctor (urologist).

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Is Having Sex During Pregnancy Safe?

Once you hear that you are going to be Parents, you become thrilled and in this excitement forget about all the ups and downs that pregnancy brings along with it. However, when the initial euphoria dies down, different issues emerges among them especially regarding doing sex with your partner. There are different issues that emerge in your mind. Knowing them can let you lead your sexual life during the pregnancy period happily.

Having sex during pregnancy
If you are having normal pregnancy, then you can make love with your partner, till the water breaks. It doesn't make you inability to perform sex. You just need not worry that getting intimate during this period may lead to vaginal infection and or miscarriage. Even there are fewer chances that if you have normal sex during this period then you have least chances of miscarriage. Thus, don’t hesitate and enjoy your sexual relationship most when it is needed.

Sex and Baby
Many to-be- mothers are worried that sex may harm their baby. It’s not that, nature has designed humans in such a way that it has created a thick mucus plug which guards against any infection by sealing your cervix. The strong muscles of your uterus and the amniotic sac are enough to protect your baby. However, if you have these problems then please consult your Doctor
·        -Abdominal pains or cramps
·        -Bleeding
·        -Broken water
·        -Cervical weakness
If your husband is suffering from genital herpes then you should avoid sex during this period.

Feeling during having sex when pregnant

Many women feel the same as they had felt having sex with their partner earlier. However, for some it’s even better while others it’s not that good.
During pregnancy, the blood flow increases to your pelvic area that causes your genitals to engorge. Hence the sexual sensation is at its height. After the intercourse many women feel full like never before during this period. However, many may find that they cannot reach intense orgasm quickly as earlier during pregnancy. This occurs generally because clitoris is less sensitive during this period.
If you have ever find that during intercourse you are feeling pain, then it may be due to deep penetration, this pain can be avoided by shallow penetration or by following proper postures during this period.

It has been seen that many couples prefers and enjoys foreplay during this period rather than doing intercourse. It do boost sexual desire during foreplay, she wants you more and more. What is needed most is that you must be satisfied with your partner and relationship, whatever method you apply.

Oral sex during pregnancy
Oral sex during pregnancy is totally safe and it would never harm your baby. And this is the best solution when you find intercourse during this period risky. Only thing that your husband must avoid is blowing air in the vagina as it may block a blood vessel and cause embolism, which can prove fatal for your baby.

Husband’s feelings during pregnancy
It happens many times that your husband’s sex drives changes during pregnancy. During first two trimesters he may be normal, but during the third one, he may not feel having sexual relationship with you. Common reasons for such behaviour are
·        -Fearing about hurting the baby
·        -Worried about your and your baby’s health
 -Feelings about the parenthood.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What is foreplay?

Foreplay is very important part of the sexual intercourse and that’s why you should not skip this part if you want to experience good sex.

Although many men don’t need foreplay, it is a well known fact that most women need foreplay and since sex is an activity that requires two satisfied partners in order to be unforgettable we should not forget foreplay regardless of our gender. Foreplay is often described as an introduction for the main act – vaginal sexual intercourse. There are many people who consider foreplay to be more important even from the act of sex. It is not unusual to hear women who complain about their partner who doesn’t pay too much attention to foreplay – kissing, cuddling, arousing. They skip that and try to enter the vagina immediately. It’s much easier for men to get aroused. They can get stronger erection even by watching a naked woman, but women require a little bit more in order to get excited and wet. Since the foreplay is an important part of the sexual intercourse you can make efforts and make this part of the sex exceptional.

Those who are looking for clear instructions about how foreplay should look like and what kind of foreplay is the best, will be disappointed to hear that there are no universal rules that apply to every couple. Sexual pleasure including foreplay is something personal and it is different for each individual and this is why you need to start exploring your body and the body of your partner to get the first clues. Try to listen to your partner and what he or she finds exciting and try out different methods in order to sync and enjoy. A lot of women find kissing really arousing so if your partner starts to complain that she misses kissing it’s time to act. Don’t forget that lips are erogenous zone so you must use it every time you are starting with a sexual intercourse. Kissing is good during sex too, it boost sexual desire within. And it’s not just the lips that will make you excited, kiss your partner on the neck and on the face. Generally speaking, try to make the foreplay more interesting and of course more pleasing.

It is always good to remember that creating the perfect ambience for sex is acknowledging the importance of foreplay and not trying to reach the genitalia of your partner as fast as you can. There is a reason why romance existed for so many centuries. For example, try to provide good amount of heat in the room where you plan to have sex (usually bedroom), because cold environment usually makes people focus on trying to get warm. And your little brother may have a soft erection if the temperature is way too low. Besides that having sex under so many sheets and blankets can be complicated. It is always a good thing to make a compliment about your partner’s appearance.

There is no definition for a good foreplay. The most important thing is to be aware that foreplay is a necessary part of the sexual act and that you should use your imagination.    

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Is Having Sex During Pregnancy Safe?

Once you hear that you are going to be Parents, you become thrilled and in this excitement forget about all the ups and downs that pregnancy brings along with it. However, when the initial euphoria dies down, different issues emerges among them especially regarding doing sex with your partner. There are different issues that emerge in your mind. Knowing them can let you lead your sexual life during the pregnancy period happily.

Having sex during pregnancy
If you are having normal pregnancy, then you can make love with your partner, till the water breaks. You just need not worry that getting intimate during this period may lead to vaginal infection and or miscarriage. Even there are fewer chances that if you have normal sex during this period then you have least chances of miscarriage. Thus, don’t hesitate and enjoy your relationship most when it is needed.

Sex and Baby
Many to-be- mothers are worried that sex may harm their baby. It’s not that, nature has designed humans in such a way that it has created a thick mucus plug which guards against any infection by sealing your cervix. The strong muscles of your uterus and the amniotic sac are enough to protect your baby. However, if you have these problems then please consult your Doctor
·         - Abdominal pains or cramps
·         - Bleeding
·         - Broken water
·         - Cervical weakness
If your husband is suffering from genital herpes then you should avoid sex during this period.

Feeling during having sex when pregnant

Many women feel the same as they had felt having sex with their partner earlier. However, for some it’s even better while others it’s not that good.
During pregnancy, the blood flow increases to your pelvic area that causes your genitals to engorge. Hence the sexual sensation is at its height. After the intercourse many women feel full like never before during this period. However, many may find that they cannot reach intense orgasm quickly as earlier during pregnancy. This occurs generally because clitoris is less sensitive during this period.
If you have ever find that during intercourse you are feeling pain, then it may be due to deep penetration, this pain can be avoided by shallow penetration or by following proper postures during this period.

It has been seen that many couples prefers and enjoys foreplay during this period rather than doing intercourse. Men enjoy oral sex, they can get a hard erection while you give them oral sex. What is needed most is that you must be satisfied with your partner and relationship, whatever method you apply.

Oral sex during pregnancy
Oral sex during pregnancy is totally safe and it would never harm your baby. And this is the best solution when you find intercourse during this period risky. Only thing that your husband must avoid is blowing air in the vagina as it may block a blood vessel and cause embolism, which can prove fatal for your baby.

Husband’s feelings during pregnancy
It happens many times that your husband’s sex drives changes during pregnancy. During first two trimesters he may be normal, but during the third one, he may not feel having sexual relationships with you. Common reasons for such behaviour are
·         - Fearing about hurting the baby
·         - Worried about your and your baby’s health
  - Feelings about the parenthood.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

How to avoid infections during oral sex?

Many people think that oral sex is perfectly safe when it comes to infections and diseases. Although it’s true that oral sex is much safer compared to vaginal and anal sex, there are still some rules that need to be respected.

First and foremost, many couples have limited knowledge when we talk about HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and other sexually transmitted diseases.  They believe that the cause for these diseases is unprotected vaginal sex but they forgot that it is possible to get infected during oral sex too. For example, HIV is transmitted through blood, vaginal discharges and seminal fluids (sperm). Even if you don’t swallow it there is high probability that the seminal fluid will get in touch with some of the bruises or small wounds in the mouth (sores and wounds on gums for example). We have the same situation with vaginal fluids too. Men get in touch with these fluids from the very beginning of the cunnilingus.

As you probably know, even if the man doesn’t ejaculate in the mouth of his partner, there are still high chances that small amounts of seminal fluids will enter his partner’s mouth and this is just enough to transmit some disease if he is already suffering from one. The same goes for vaginal discharges that can be transferred to the penis through the hand. In these cases we can expect fungal infection or genital herpes which can be very unpleasant and in many cases incurable.

Furthermore, even if the man during oral sex decides to ejaculate his semen on the face of his partner there is high risk of infections or diseases if the seminal fluid enters the eyes, because the fluid will be in a direct contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes. We should be very careful with previously mentioned herpes (regardless if it is a genital or classical type of herpes) because it is transmitted through contact. This means that it doesn’t have to enter the blood system in order to get infected. 
If you are practicing oral sex with a person that you don’t know well, you should always use a condom. Your penis will be perfectly safe of possible risky saliva or vaginal discharges. The same goes for women who are afraid of possible infections because of sperm discharge inside their mouths, because a condom will fully protect her from infected seminal fluid.

Vaginal protection is available but it’s less practical and it usually comes in a form of polyvinyl chloride barrier placed inside. Both partners want feel the same level of pleasure and the wetness usually plays vital role in the sex act, but it will protect you from possible health threats. Although using some protection might sound like a huge turn off for some sexually active people, there is no reason to be disappointed because nowadays you can find condoms in different flavors while those who prefer polyvinyl solution can spice up the things by using chocolate or jelly.    

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tips To End Premature Ejaculation

You have the best chance to help your partner kick away premature ejaculation if you encouraged him to try the below mentioned tips that also deal with erectile dysfunction. Premature (PE) is basically ejaculating too early and is the most prominent problem than over 78% of men all over the world suffer from.
As important as it is to fully understand physical and emotional consequences which lead to PE, many men look for fix quick processes instead of going for certain techniques which are known. to either slow down or entirely halt PE.

The below mentioned techniques are you can help your partner learn and skills that he can use to lower his sexual response when he takes a dip in your special place. By allowing him to dive in, you are able to do more than try to extend his longevity.
With these techniques, you have the opportune chance of building your relationship and strengthening your intimate connection… let’s get started

Deep breathing
Deep Breathing is a meditation form which goes a long way in helping one control their arousal, tension which are elements that cause early ejaculation. Do your best and see to it that he avoids shallow, short breathes that trigger his heart beat and make him come too early.
See to it that he spends at-least five seconds taking in one huge deep full breath, ask him to hold the breath for 3 seconds and slowly exhale out the breath in 5 seconds. If he is able to practice this method for five minutes without breaking off the rhythm, then he can transfer this skill set into the bedroom.
Again, if the two of you focus on each other’s breath concentrating on every rise and fall, you shall instantly create an intimate connection.

Stop, Start Process
This is an exercise that you should start alone. Allow your partner to masturbate by himself and bring himself close to orgasm and stopping. After he relaxes, he should proceed with bringing himself closer and closer, stopping, relaxing, doing it again until when he is unable to handle it any longer.
By allowing him, to do it by himself without any distraction will help him know where his point of no return reaches. After he is fully aware that he has mastered the technique, now you should start sexual activity session that stops short of intercourse.

Squeezing Process
This is a process that will need one of you to squeeze the penis base at the same time the stop and start process is underway, do it when your partner is at a brink of orgasm. The whole idea is no minimize/slow sown his erection as you squeeze.
Let him do this sequence by his own first, master the technique and finally he will invite you to practice the same with him.


The above mentioned tricks will help your man cure erectile dysfunction, get over premature ejaculation and turn out to be the tiger he was supposed to be in bed…

Friday, June 13, 2014

The Risks of having Too Much Sex

Just like any other activity, overuse of sex can lead to some health difficulties and unpleasant situations. Too much sex means long lasting sex that takes place every day.

Sex is a great cardiovascular exercise. Similar to other cardiovascular activities, sex leads to buildup of lactic acid in the muscles which ultimately leads to muscle fatigue. Because of the unusual pressure on the joints, present during the sexual intercourse (especially in some sex positions), those who practice long sex can feel pain in the joints. For example, the so-called missionary sex position requires pressure on the man’s hands which certainly has an impact on the wrists. This position can also be very demanding for women too, because they have their legs spread and this can cause muscle cramps or strains from the inner side of the thigh muscles.

Long sex sessions can lead to bruises on the knees, elbows and back. It is perfectly normal to experience some bruises when a wave of passion hits us during the sexual game but very long sex acts and constant rubbing of the knees or elbows can cause deeper wounds, especially if the sex act doesn’t take place in the bed (if it is performed on the floor for example).

The hard erection penis is more resistant on dryness but women can find longer sex sessions very uncomfortable because after certain period the vagina gets dry. It reduce sexual desire in both parties. Using lubricants can help in situations like these, but if they don’t use lubricants they can experience genital bruises on the vagina that are potentially dangerous because they can cause infections.

During sex, heart beats and body temperature increase. The body has its own way to regulate this change – sweating. But this sweating means that the body is losing great amounts of liquids that need to be restored by drinking water. Using some drinks that are recommended for athletes can be beneficial too. We need to drink more water especially in situations where we have consumed alcohol before having sex. If you start to feel mild headache during sex it means that you are starting to be dehydrated. This is the perfect time to drink a glass of water and continue where you have stopped before.

Many women are prone to getting infections because of frequent and long lasting sex. The reason behind this is the increased level of bacteria in the vagina. Frequent urination and drinking water is something that can help a lot.
Sex is a very intense physical activity and those who are not in their best shape should not have long sex because it can cause a heart attack. This advice is especially useful for older people. Keep in mind that regular normal sex is beneficial for the heart.

If you and your partner are one of those couples who enjoy longer sex sessions make sure you practice same safer sex positions. Sex position that require flexibility and rapid movements can lead to injuries especially if you are tired. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

How To Have Better Sexual Health By Eating The Right Foods

Dоn't fееl well? Tаkе a рill. A few pounds to lоѕе? Tаkе a рill. Nо еnеrgу? Take a рill. Depressed? Take a рill. Tоdау'ѕ society is a рill ѕосiеtу. Many ѕtudiеѕ hаvе bееn dоnе to show that if people аrе givеn a placebo (sugar рill) аnd tоld that it will increase thеir sexual реrfоrmаnсе; thе majority will ѕау that thеу nоtiсеd аn inсrеаѕе in thеir ѕеxuаl реrfоrmаnсе. It has рrоvеn thаt enhance the libido, at lеаѕt thе mоѕt important раrt of it, соmеѕ frоm the mind. So nоw wе wonder, hоw does fооd affect a реrѕоn'ѕ ѕеxuаl аnd еmоtiоnаl hеаlth?

Sоу can bе uѕеd tо suppress hot flаѕhеѕ thаt occur hоt flаѕhеѕ, рrоmоtе a healthy рrоѕtаtе, аnd help in vaginal lubriсаtiоn. It adheres to еѕtrоgеn receptors whiсh mаintаin thе lubriсаtiоn that a vagina nееdѕ. This is a problem thаt аlѕо оссurѕ during mеnораuѕе. Chili рерреrѕ саn imрrоvе your сirсulаtiоn аnd stimulate nerve еndingѕ. Gingеr саn do thе ѕаmе thing. Bесаuѕе this improves, ѕо will your ѕеxuаl рlеаѕurе.

Sinсе good blооd flоw is imроrtаnt fоr a harder erection food thаt iѕ gооd fоr your hеаrt will also be good fоr your реniѕ. If уоur hеаrt is not ореrаting рrореrlу thеrе iѕ a vеrу gооd chance that уоur реniѕ will nоt bе rеѕроnding аѕ wеll as уоu would like it tо еithеr. Since ѕаturаtеd fat will clog thе аrtеriеѕ, which in turn will restrict thе blооd flow, it ѕtаndѕ to reason thаt it аlѕо restricts thе blood flоw thаt rеасhеѕ уоur gеnitаl rеgiоn аѕ wеll. Yеѕ, уоur bоdу dоеѕ rеquirе fаt to create hоrmоnеѕ, but it needs the right kind of fats. Gооd fаt соmеѕ frоm оlivе оilѕ, sea food, аnd nutѕ. Thеѕе gооd fats will help in thе production оf hormones that are essential fоr ѕеxuаl peak реrfоrmаnсе.

Fооdѕ that are ѕаid tо have арhrоdiѕiас quаlitiеѕ аrе asparagus, bananas, ееl, оуѕtеrѕ, figѕ, аnd ginѕеng. Rhinо hоrn iѕ ѕаid tо inсrеаѕе the sexual арреtitе. Thе tаѕtе, tеxturе, оr perhaps арреаrаnсе of these fооdѕ аrе thought to increase thе ѕеx drivеs. Thеrе are some thаt believe if уоu еаt fооdѕ that арреаr реniѕ likе it will give you a hard erection аnd like thе fооd that уоu ingеѕt. Thе same аррliеѕ tо thе оуѕtеr or thе fig, whiсh еithеr ѕmеll or lооk likе thе woman's vulvа when аrоuѕеd. Whеn a реrѕоn еаtѕ these fооdѕ thеу аrе in thе hopes thаt thе vulvа will then bесоmе plump, slippery, аnd tаѕtу аѕ wеll.
Sweet or spicy fооdѕ are thought to put реорlе in a relaxed mood and tо арреаr rеаdу tо tаkе оn more рlеаѕurе.

Now thе quеѕtiоn remains, dо these food myths wоrk? No, nоt thе way thаt they аrе said tо work. Fооdѕ саnnоt сhаngе thе way that уоur ѕеxuаl organs lооk. Food саn bе a grеаt wау tо spice uр уоur sex life though, ѕо why nоt?

Drinking аlсоhоl will rеlаx уоu emotionally аnd рhуѕiсаllу mаkе уоu lооk fluѕhеd. For a ѕhоrt аmоunt of timе it will mаkе you look fluѕhеd. Caffeine аnd sugar offer a quiсk bооѕt оf energy. These аrе ѕhоrt tеrm effects but in reality whаt уоu should dо iѕ eat a healthy diеt оf fiѕh аnd frеѕh vеgеtаblеѕ tо bе аt уоur bеѕt рhуѕiсаllу and ѕеxuаllу аt аll timеѕ.

Yоu саn make fооd раrt of уоur ѕеxuаl experience by cooking a mеаn with уоur lover аnd feeding it tо each оthеr. Have a рiсniс in thе middle оf thе floor, рlасе the foods аll аrоund уоu and lеt уоur imаginаtiоn take over. 'The Karma Sutra' ѕuggеѕtѕ bоiling a rаm'ѕ or gоаt'ѕ tеѕtiсlе in sweetened milk with ѕраrrоw'ѕ eggs and rice аnd hоnеу fоr аn арhrоdiѕiас.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Safe Anal Sex

Anal sex can provide great sexual desire and it is no wonder why there are so many people around the world that are practicing anal sex. However, anal sex can sometimes bring some risks so it is always a good idea to read some tips about having safe anal sex.

Although in the past centuries anal sex was considered to be immoral, today this type of sex is no longer a taboo or a type of sex that is practiced rarely. In fact, according to some studies around 25% of women and around 25% of homosexual men are practicing anal sex. Just like any other type of sex, anal sex can result in some sexually transmitted diseases such as Chlamydia proctitis (inflammation of the rectum),  anogenital warts, rectal gonorrhea, fungal infection of the skin around the colon and the anus, inflammation of the skin around the anus caused by herpes simplex virus etc. Therefore, we must be very careful and use appropriate protection.

When it comes to safe anal sex, it is very important to pay attention to the foreplay because very often this is the most risky part of the sexual intercourse. We must be very careful from the moment when the kissing and moisturizing of the anus starts. This is most often the period when one of the partners starts rubbing the penis against the anus and the ejaculate comes in contact with the anus. These secretions can easily enter the colon although the hard erection penis is protected with a condom. That’s why it is always good to apply lubricant by using a finger in and around the opening of the anus. Don’t use regular creams or oils because they can damage the condom and the soft skin on the anus. The best product to use is lubricant based on water.

Those who are infected with a STD should know that most of them are curable but there are certain diseases like HIV infection, which can only be treated in order to lower the symptoms of the disease, to lower the possibility of transmitting the disease and get better quality of life in general.

In some cases people that have practiced anal sex can notice stains of blood after the sex act is finished. These stains are usually caused by inner hemorrhoids or some smaller internal wound. If you feel pain after bowel discharge then we are talking about internal wounds. If there is no pain at all you can relax. In order to avoid such things you should avoid practicing rough anal sex and enjoy a relaxed and gentle sex. If the intercourse is painful it is better to stop and try later when the partner is ready.

If you notice any kind of change around the anus, in the colon, on the glans penis, testicles, inner side of the thighs, on the vagina or inside the vagina, make sure you visit your doctor. All these things can be symptoms of STD. These examinations are a must for all men who are practicing sex with other men as well as for men and women who are having sex with more than one partner.